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SharpSpring vs HubSpot: How Important Is Your Partner’s Level of Expertise?

For many companies, having an effective marketing approach can pose a great challenge. Two programs that are often used in establishing well-rounded marketing tactics are SharpSpring and HubSpot. Is one of these programs better than the other? The more important question to consider is, do either SharpSpring or HubSpot have the right expertise in customer relationship management and marketing automation? Read on and find out.

Considering CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) relates to the engagement of customers, service automation, and finding ways to meet or even exceed customer needs. Keeping this in mind, different CRM software services have their own characteristics. According to reports, less than 40% of CRM projects have adoption rates over 90%. Lackluster training, confusing software, and lack of support are reasons why many CRM projects fail and are abandoned. This is why it is particularly important to find the right CRM partner with extensive knowledge in sales and marketing.

Benefits of SharpSpring

One defining characteristic of SharpSpring is its usability or ease of use. Unlike HubSpot, the program allows you to track prospect behavior, manage your email campaigns efficiently and can help completely transform marketing and sales results. Another big selling point of SharpSpring is the fact that these functions can be automated so that you don’t have to implement them yourself, saving your sales team countless stressful hours.

Benefits of HubSpot

On the flipside, HubSpot offers a free basic CRM package, making it easier for smaller companies to utilize proper CRM practices without breaking the bank too badly. Perfect for sole proprietors or those without a sales team, HubSpot also has a feature that allows the user to reach out to individual contacts and convert them into becoming customers at your own discretion, along with HubSpot’s robust email marketing tools.

So, Who Wins?

Software and feature sets alone do not eliminate the need for a structured sales process and ongoing strategic execution. At Cultivize, our first focus is identifying your business needs and goals related to marketing and sales.

We provide a senior CRM engineer as you dedicate single point of contact for strategy, planning, integration, training, and execution. We’ll conduct regular meetings with your team to ensure adoption rate, usage, and support.

You know that your business deserves the absolute best when it comes to marketing and customer relationship management. Consider integrating SharpSpring software in your lead generation and nurturing initiative.


See why thousands of businesses prefer SharpSpring to HubSpot

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Unlike HubSpot, we educate and train your team, customize your implementation and help you along the way to surpass your goals.

What Makes Cultivize & SharpSpring Unique?

Hands-On Approach

Our founder has 20 years of marketing experience which allows us to marry his technology skills with a marketing approach.

Done For You Program

69% of CRM implementations completely fail. Because they don’t have a certified expert who will create the strategy and plan to match their business needs and goals.

Certified Team

There are only 30 companies that have our certification in the world and we are the only one in NY. We have strategists, writers, designers, implementers and a full-time support staff.

Customer Satisfaction

Dedicated account and support advisor to help guide you and your team daily to achieve the highest possible results.